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    Our Vision

    Contributing to make the INP classified locally and regionally as one of the five best scientific institutions in the fields of planning and development by 2020) .

    Our Mission

    Promotion of planning and development to enforce its participation in the Egyptian Economy through providing both agricultural policy-makers and stockholders with plans, studies and consultations, in addition to support agricultural abilities through training and learning.

    • Studying all issues and sides of planning and development of agricultural sector.
    • Introducing consultant services in planning and agricultural development field.
    • Enhancing developmental and planning capabilities of the employees in agricultural sector.

    • contribute in preparing strategies and planning to develop the agricultural sector.
    • Preparing studies and researches in all sides of agricultural sector.
    • Marketing of the different agricultural activities nationally and regionally
    • Preparing economic feasibility studies of agricultural projects.

    • contribute in planning of sustainable rural development programs.

    • Transfer knowledge and research experience nationally and regionally.

    Our News

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