The second session of the scientific follow-up within the scientific activities of the National Planning Institute for the academic year 2019/2020 was held on Tuesday, 7/11/2019 at the Institute’s headquarters at ten o’clock in the morning,
The State of World Agricultural Commodity Markets (GEMS), Agricultural Trade, Climate Change and Food Security, was presented.
Published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2018) Facebook Facebook logo Keep me logged in
Agricultural Planning and Development Center.
The seminar presents the State of the World’s Agricultural Commodity Markets, “ Agricultural Trade, Climate Change and Food Security ”, published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 2018. The report focuses on the relationship between agricultural trade, climate change and food security. Hunger cannot be addressed without solutions to climate adaptation, and climate change certainly affects the availability and accessibility of food, which in turn will affect patterns and ways of international trade. In particular, the report focuses on deepening the debate on the tools available to policymakers to implement the Paris Agreement, which discussed how support measures are linked And various local trade adaptation to climate change. The report addresses a number of issues, which can be found in the summary below.
Category: Scientific Follow up
Start Date: الخميس 05, ديسمبر , 2019
End Date: الجمعة 06, ديسمبر , 2019
Link: Click here
INP Participants
Dr.Ali Zine El Abidine Kassem
Prof. Aziza Ali Abdel Razek